This time I woke up early, at 5:00 AM. I forced myself out onto Shunkunitai. The herons were out en force.

I followed behind a couple on the boardwalk, when I noticed that a fox was walking on the boardwalk, jumped down to avoid them, and then hopped back up on top toward me. It did the same once it reached me.

I took the right path, noticing different fluttering insects nearby.

This morning there was a new addition to the bird family in the form of woodpeckers. The first picture here looks strange because the bird looks like it is running up the tree vertically, while not having either foot planted.

Right as I was loading my gear in the car, I spotted different looking birds flying in. It was a couple of cranes. I just had a discussion yesterday, asking whether these cranes could fly, since I hadn't seen it yet and many of the enclosures back in Kushiro had no net above.

I came back to the hotel, slept for two and a half hours, and then went out for ramen and gyoza. The restaurant was fantastic. The old woman there offered me a fork instead of chopsticks. I politely declined. When paying, they asked where I was from. People always seem to be delighted here when they hear that I am from America. Weird.
Back in my room, I decided to look out the back window to see if the cranes were nearby. I noticed the two adults, and searched for the juvenile. It was off way too the side, approaching the hotel grounds. I went outside and watched as it meandered over to just about 10 feet from me, before turning back and rejoining its parents.

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