This time I walked a bit further down, to see the clock tower that was built about 100 years ago. I walked along the water, behind the Ferris wheel, and then returned to my room.

I knew it was a bit of a gamble because of the weather, but I took a bus to get me close enough to the Serpentine Steps, to climb Mont Royal, the nearby small mountain that Montreal was eventually named after. As I began going upward, turning back revealed that there wasn't going to be much of a view from the top. Nonetheless, I continued. It has been a while since I've seen snow and it was beautiful. I ran into a young fellow that explained to me that he was from southern China and this was the first time he'd ever seen snow in his life.

Once I reached the Mount Royal Lookout, which had no view at the time, I continued down the other side, ending up on the northeast side of the park/mountain and continued into town. Eventually, I turned east onto St. Laurent Blvd. This time I kept my camera out, in case I saw any murals. The purpose of this walk was to see the outside of Cinema L'amour, a 100 year old theater that shows porn. It also has rooms available for couples to rent. As I am not currently a couple, I did not enter.

The next bus wasn't coming for about twenty minutes, so I just continued walking east until I reached familiar territory, grabbed a bite to eat, and headed home.
Canadians, so far, have been overwhelmingly friendly, barring the one bus driver I met earlier today that grunted an answer to my question. The one thing that bugs me are the pedestrian crossing lights. While waiting for the pedestrian sign to show that you can cross, it simply has a red hand and the number zero. I do not understand what the point of the zero is. It neither counts up nor down. It just stays zero until you can cross again. I find this strange. If you are going to have a number there, you should at least have it count down until you will be allowed to cross again, similar to what Japan does.
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