Tuesday, May 30, 2017

FB5, Ochre, the mine, and naps

This morning we started off by going on the longer of the two ochre trails in town.  Jeremy mentioned to Miles that he should be careful because the sand is likely to stain.  So, he of course immediately put his hand in it.

Afterwards, we went down to the Mines de Bruoux.  You have to go with a timed tour group.  Unfortunately, our was in French.  Jeremy got a tablet with some information in English.  The mine itself was very cool, both literally and figuratively.  It was a little slow for us, since a lot of it was listening to the guide speaking in another language.  

There was a nice, young couple, from Paris, that gave us a bit of a translation after each section.  The ochre had been used for rubber at one point and then later, the caves were used to grow mushrooms. The couple were surprised to find people from the United States here, as this is a little bit off the beaten path of most tourists.  

From the mines, we traveled to another hilltop town, called Gordes.  The market was just closing as we arrived, which was a shame.  We explored the small castle/town hall museum, which had some pictures, some photos, and a top floor with costumes.

We were all wearing long pants, due to the coldness of the mine.  It was very hot outside, so we returned to the hotel to nap and relax.  We ate a simple dinner at a local restaurant and went to the top of the town to observe the sky as it neared sunset.

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